Seed of Hope

Thursday 25 September 2014


The place we're staying is a number of cabins on a hillside. We're surrounded by trees of all kinds.  Fruit, like papayas, bananas a and mangoes grow wild. As the sunlight breaks the darkness of night, it is accompanied by a symphony of birds.

 But there are also monkeys. Now before you get too excited - think about this - have you ever been to Niagara Falls and laughed at the Japanese tourists taking pictures of squirrels? Well, today we were brought back to that thought. As we marvel at the sight of the monkeys prancing across branches and jumping from tree to tree, we were reminded by our hosts that they are like pests, rodents that people want to keep away from their yards and homes because of the damage they can do.

So call me a Japanese tourists, I accept it, because these monkeys are cool breakfast companions.

Breakfast is amazing, served in what Angela calls "paradise".


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