Seed of Hope

Sunday 5 October 2014

More about Max

October 1st. I was invited to another home visit with the health team again with Sue, Jabu and Buli. We visit a home where the two clients who were both on anti retrovirals, so I thought maybe a good outcome. The young mother Thulisle had four boys ranging in age from eight years to a baby of six months. She was also taking care of a young seven year old girl Thobeka who was the daughter of her brother. This is where it becomes really tough. Her father had died of AIDS, she was infected by him when she was only four years old. ..It's so difficult to keep it together at times. I so admire our health team that deals with these situations every day.
  The rest of the day was a blur. Our SEMC team led the staff meeting in the afternoon. Both Angela and Julia were amazing. Then Angela and I sat in on a Lifewise HIV training course offered by Michelle Waldron to various pastors in the community.
  That evening we have a debriefing back home and Angela reveals how I was able to connect with Max on Monday. She just found out earlier that Monday afternoon his brother drove him to a clinic . I felt lifted from the despair I experienced earlier.
 The next day Deve rejoins the team having flown in very early that morning. We were learning about community development from Carl. That afternoon after Deve, Les, Dan and Carl had returned from lunch; I received another shock. ..
   Jabu came into the room and asked me to follow her to the health care office, she told me that Max had died. His wife was in the office and I was to try and comfort her. Now this is really tough. I am crying while typing this days later. We all hugged and prayed and cried. I was a mess as I left the room and walked to the meeting area where the team was. Thanks to everyone who then came around and prayed. How powerful that was  and the timing with Deve's arrival was so helpful.
  Soon after Dan Wein and I went on a tour in the country to view the farming efforts.  With the recent rains everything looked very lush green and alive. This was a healing journey.
   We all experienced so much on this trip. I just thank all of you that supported us through prayer and ask that continues as we try to process all that God revealed on the journey.


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